Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hokkien Dictionary

I get this from a blog when I'm searching for the hokkien dictionary

Sometimes,non-hokkien people attempt to use hokkien to increase their level of 'cool-ness' when they attempt to swear. But more often than not, they fail because they do not know how to put the word into a proper sentence, OR, it doesn't sound the same when u use it in another language/dialect apart from hokkien. Just like what the Americans did to the original King's English.

" kan keh"

direct translation - '**** chicken'.

actual meaning - referring to someone who's cynical and selfish, not willing to take even the slightest risk of anything.

eg: "Leh ma ler ! Ah Seng kau giak kan keh ah .." [translation: "Your mother ! Ah Seng is damn timid !"]

"kiong kan "

direct translation - it actually was a short form for "ki ho lang kan ", which means, 'go get yourself ****ed by someone'.

actual meaning - an exclamation that was used to vehemently protest against any disagreement or illogical statements.

eg: "Kiong kan lah ! lu sio kong lim peh be hiau si boh ??" [translation : "Kiong kan lah ! You think you can fool me ??"]

"bak moy"

direct translation - 'pork porridge'

actual meaning - to undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions; i.e. die

eg: "Eh ! Lu lang cai boh ? Ray Charles bak moy liao !" [translation : "Eh ! Did you guys know ? That Ray Charles is dead !"]

"loo siao"

direct translation - 'rub sperm'

actual meaning - to riot, to rebel, mak e trouble or go ballistic. Can be used as adjective, verb or noun.

eg: "That char bor, si peh loo siao, tiam tiam chueh soo …" [translation : "That woman, damn rebellious, always look for trouble.."]

"char siao"

direct translation - 'fried sperm'

actual meaning - to disturb or to vex someone

eg: "Mai char siao lah !" [translation : "Don't disturb me !"]

"kuai lan"

direct translation - 'suave dick'

actual meaning - adjective to describe a very cheeky or obnoxious person.

eg: "That si ginna si peh kuai lan." [translation : "That kid is damn obnoxious."] "apong sin" direct translation - 'pancake spirit' (pancake is also the secondary meaning for vagina)

actual meaning - a person who's fawning over any females and willing to do anything for them. eg: "Ah Piang kau giak apong sin. Peng eu kio chut, boh eng. Char bor kio chut, eh poey…" [translation : "Ah Piang damn 'pancake spirit'. When his friends ask him out, always busy. But when girls ask him out, he'll literally fly out"]

"ciu cheng"

direct translation - 'hand gun'

actual meaning - an adjective to describe someone that is unskillfully clumsy, delinquent and ****ed up. eg: "Si tua pui, kau giak ciu cheng. Chia pun beh hiau park." [translation : "That fat ass damn ****ed up. Don't even know how to park a car"]

"tu lan" (also known as T.L.)

direct translation - 'pig's dick'

real meaning - hatefully dislike or angry; pissed.

eg: "Kua tiok ee eh bin … pun tu lan." [translation : "It pissed me off even by just a glance of his face."]

"kam lan"

direct translation - 'to fellate'

real meaning - an expression added into questions - to denote something ridiculous or defies logical understanding.

eg: "Lu choaa lu eh bor chut lai kam lan aa ??" [translation : "Why the hell do you bring along your wife ??"]

"loh tee"

direct translation - 'bread' (derived from the malay word "roti")

real meaning - an adjective to describe a very slutty, chintzy and promiscuous female being. Highly derogatory.

eg: "Ah Piang eh chat loh si peh loh tee. Goh lui chap pek tau" [translation : "Ah Piang's girl is a goddamn slut. Five cents for eighteen times"]

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